Lark rise and blackberry promise - stiff breeze coming - dove cote - cabbage whites clown across summer morning blue - lark rises -blackbirds forage the broad hedge - one step ahead - stiff breeze rolls off the Atlantic coast - tumbling over striped summer fields - dark pines dot the horizon -pink campion, purple vetch - lark rise
White, white columbine - pale brown butterfly - cool shadow - morning shade - great-tit piping - dog daisy sunny meadow - morning shade - Cornish blue on Cornish blue - golden birds foot trefoil - scarlet pimpernel and speedwell steps - Cornish hedge - you like butter-cups open shiny faces
Two deer appear leaping across the blue cornflower blue - hearts ease - welcome - wood pigeon wings - dragonfly - corvid heard but not seen - dark companion - painted lady - sculpted oak -tiny spider metropolis sun spangled in dew - stately thistle - lush track - blackbird sentinel
Bobbing flight if blue-tit - field held skewbalds swat flies with lazy tails - butterflies tumble though head high ferns - sea view - stream fresh path - home