A charm of goldfinches waves me off tumbling by on the stiff blow Grey clouds hurry past grey clouds Umber hedgerows Golden gorse punctuation mark Badger sett collects pine needles Autumnal hydrangeas dance to the winds tune Blackbird adds vocals Leaves fall Animal paths revealed on sparsing verges Burrow and nest unveiled in hedge Jackdaw Wren Seven for a secret never to be told Stream hurrying Robin scolding Hedge sparrow Blackbird Buzzard Wizened sloe and blackberry Small meadow margin Holly Blackthorn Hawthorn Ivy Bramble Travellers Joy Sycamore Hazel Oak Willow Sheep wool, barbed Field fungi Startled blackbird Pigeon Gull Pied Wagtails Out of season buttercup Robin red breast Goldfinches #drawingonnature