Frosted garden The world scribed in detail Light and white delineation A bullfinch Warm breasted welcome to the new year Every leaf a miracle Frosted late bramble flowers Beautiful light Our first true frost of winter Starling Blackbird Wagtail Wren A charm of goldfinches A thrush Pigeons Gulls A robin The world come out to greet the year Two for joy The sun eases the frosts stays The hedgerow breathes Great-tits The stream draws the morning mist along low lying veins Red dogwood punctuates the plantation Chaffinch Frosted styles picturesque and precarious Two buzzards A jay The hedges thaw and drip A sweet Dunnock framed in frost Long tailed tits A distant woodpecker The crunch underfoot Old meadows Old stone boundaries Old feet trod before me Coal-tit Sparrow Two for joy A silver plane in a blue blue sky Black Jackdaws mourn the return #drawingonnature