Dramatic skies Sunshine and showers Dunnock Quiet Blackbird hedgerow bustler Field fares Jay Dripping gate Blackened hedges cross cross bright green Chaffinches Robin Blue-tits Robin song Blackbirds Blackbirds Through field Through farmyard Wren Collared doves One for sorrow Black jackdaw shapes in now blue sky Through Graveyard Through Churchyard New Footpath exploration Jay Late tired butterfly New plantation Blackbird rockets across blue Rusting oak Seagull call Circle of the day Gorse portal Lichen and autumn colours Fox musk Swing Blackbird song Two rooks Jenny wren Wax caps Field mushrooms Rain coming in Reservoir Moorhen Horse and rider Fishermen Blue-tit Fox musk Sulphur tuft Rain passing through Robin Ocean view Sun coming in Glowing moss Hopeful flowerings Lane to village One for sorrow Rooks on a wire Robin red flash One for sorrow Fox musk Schoolyard noises Sparrows Goldfinches Starlings Home #drawingonnature